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      發(fā)布日期:2017-11-02   瀏覽次數(shù):0
      核心提示:a href=https://www.medchemexpress.com/Miquelianin.htmlMiquelianin/a產品描述:Miquelianin (Quercetin 3-O-glucuronide) is
      Miquelianin產品描述:Miquelianin (Quercetin 3-O-glucuronide) is a metabolite of quercetin and a type of natural flavonoid.In Vitro: Miquelianin shows an antioxidant effect in human plasma. At 50 μM, miquelianin suppresses the consumption of the three antioxidants lycopene, β-carotene and α-tocopherol significantly[1]. In vitro studies indicate that miquelianin is able to reach the central nervous system from the small intestine[2]. Miquelianin significantly reduces the generation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides by primary neuron cultures generated from the Tg2576 AD mouse model. It is also capable of interfering with the initial protein-protein interaction of Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 that is necessary for the formation of neurotoxic oligomeric Aβ species[3]. Treatment with 0.1 μM miquelianin suppresses ROS generation, cAMP and RAS activation, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and the expression of HMOX1, MMP2, and MMP9 genes. Miquelianin suppresses invasion of MDA-MB-23

      公司介紹:MedChemExpress(MCE)專注于各種抑制劑、激動劑、API及化合物庫,總部位于美國新澤西,分別在瑞典和上海設有歐洲區(qū)子公司和亞洲區(qū)總代理,營銷網點遍及全球20多個國家地區(qū)。MCE經過多年努力已成為全球生物活性小分子領域的一流供應商, 產品涵蓋癌癥、神經科學、抗感染、表觀遺傳學等20個熱門研究領域,PI3K、MAPK等近千個細分靶點,超過4000個活性小分子化合物現(xiàn)貨,以及GPCR、API、離子通道等超過20種不同類型的化合物庫,同時提供從毫克到千克的專業(yè)定制合成服務。
      MCE 對每批產品都進行嚴格的LCMS和NMR檢驗,其產品已被全球近萬名客戶廣泛使用并發(fā)表大量文章、專利;
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